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Fertility Source Companies Blog Tag: “pregnancy”

What Can I Expect from an Egg Donor Pregnancy?

If you are considering an egg donor pregnancy, rest assured that, physically speaking, an egg donor pregnancy won’t feel any different than pregnancy with your own egg. You’ll experience the same joys and excitement that accompany most other pregnancies. The only difference is that, medically speaking, you may be asked to attend additional prenatal screenings…

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Should I Give My Egg Donor A Gift?

Many parents and parents-to-be choose to give their egg donor a gift after the egg retrieval. They feel that their egg donor should be recognized as the compassionate woman she is, donating her eggs to help the recipient parent achieve a pregnancy that they could not otherwise achieve. For many recipient parents it’s a way…

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The Egg Donor Selection Process

For many, being told that in order to have a child means giving up their genetics is devastating, overwhelming, and incomprehensible. There are so many questions that begin to bubble to surface it’s often hard to make sense of them let alone articulate them. Selecting an egg donor is going to be one of the…

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Small Things You Should Avoid When Pregnant

From the moment you see a positive sign on a pregnancy test, you know your life is changing— and with this new territory comes more than just a baby bump and potential morning sickness. In order to care for your growing baby best, there are several small things you should now avoid, from painting the…

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What Does Your Future as a Surrogate Look Like?

Wouldn’t it be great to have a crystal ball and know what your future holds for you and your new potential Intended Parents? It may seem easy once you make the decision to become a gestational surrogate. You read profiles, letters and pick a likely candidate. You might exchange e-mails or talk on the phone.…

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Welcome to the Fertility Source Companies Blog! As a trusted, nationally renowned egg donation and surrogacy agency, we strongly believe in empowering intended parents, egg donors, and surrogates with the information they need to navigate the third-party reproduction journey. Explore our blog for valuable insights, support, and news regarding egg donation, surrogacy, fertility, and everything in between.