Employee Spotlight: Sheryl, Donor Program Director
Sheryl will be with The Donor Source for 12 years in June 2020. “After all these years, I still look forward to going to work everyday as everyday is a new challenge. I still get excited when I can help someone find that perfect donor and it just works!!”
Meet Sheryl Steinberg. Director of The Donor Program for The Donor Source.
Sheryl has been working for The Donor Source since June of 2008. She was living in Boston at that time and hired to work matching Boston recipients with donors. Soon her territory stretched to all of New England and then eventually the East Coast. She recruited donors and worked with recipients and clinics alike. Sheryl has always had this ability to relate to everyone involved in the donation process and to be empathetic to all sides, which made her a great liaison and “match maker”. She has since moved back to NY, where she was from originally, and continues to help make babies nationwide.
Sheryl has three children. Her eldest, lives in beautiful San Diego. Her daughter, lives in Madrid, Spain and her youngest, still lives with her in NY. She prefers her animals to people most days. Bear, her Portuguese Water Dog and Primo, her rescue cat, are the loves of her life. She can often be seen walking Bear around her Co-op complex. She is very involved in her community. She is Vice President on the Board of Directors for her Co-op and does her best to help the community in which she lives.

Other than working most of the time, (because she loves it), she does like to travel. Fortunately, her children live in great places. She loves San Diego and often goes to visit her son. The main office to The Donor Source is also in nearby Orange County. That makes it easy to make a business trip a working vacation. She was there during Christmas and still found it odd eating outside at a local café while being sung Christmas carols.

Her daughter has lived in Spain for the past 3 years. She is very fortunate that she has an open invitation and tries to visit her as often as possible She was there last summer and also visited Portugal, which she loved. She said the beaches were the most beautiful she has ever seen and the people were so gracious and warm.
Although she often jokes about her children and especially her 25 year old still living at home, they are her life and she loves them dearly. “Family is the most important thing in this life. Along with health, it is all that matters.” Her brother lives nearby in NYC and she spends much of her time with him and his family.

“Many people have had great careers and done some great things. I get photos and calls from donors and recipients that I have worked with throughout the years. Donors have sent me photos of their own children or updated me on their marriage, life. Recipients have updated me on births and siblings and there is nothing better than getting those birth announcements and holiday cards. The rewards of this “job” are endless and everlasting. Not everyone can say that.”
“Sheryl’s drive and passion in helping create families is second to none. Her intimate knowledge of the practices she works with helps to direct the Intended Parents to that perfect donor. Her complete availability to Intended Parents, egg donors, and fertility practices allows for a seamless journey from beginning to end. Sheryl brings her passion to each match and will be your biggest champion.”
FSC’s CEO, Donna Raidy